Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Banksy Reflection

In response to Bansky's art, I am definitely a fan! I especially like the one with the dove in a bullet proof vest. In this picture, I think he is describing the hypocrisy of going to war with the hope that it will bring peace. I agree with him 100 percent on this. I mean, one of the first lessons we are taught as children is "two wrongs don't make a right." Also, I think that those who say that graffiti isn't art, are simply ignorant. However, I do not think it is right to use it as a way to deface property. In my opinion, it should be used to say something more than simply "Fu**". The decision to put one's art in public should be completely up to the artist, but but each person it will be different.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your comment about how we hope that war will bring peace. That is just a load of bullshit and completely hypocratic and dead on ironic. Nice point. :)
